Sheet and Plate

ASAP provides various steel and pipe and related products such as b grade steel, tubing, clear view fencing, palisade fencing, reinforcing and mesh, steel bars, steel tubes, IPEs, roof sheeting and more…

Sheet and Plate

ASAP Steel & Pipe branches stock a broad range of steel plates. Steel plates are typically used to connect other structural materials or as a component of built-up structures. The steel plates can be plasma- or laser profiled for various engineering applications.

We supply a full range of base plates cut to size to suit your application and we have de-coiling and cut-to-length facilities to produce desired thickness in hot-rolled, cold-rolled, and galvanised material. We also offer guillotining facilities for any guillotining services on steel plates

Sheet Metal

ASAP Steel & Pipe supplies a comprehensive range of steel plate and sheet metal products. These include mild steel plate; graded steel; boilerplate; hardwearing plate; chequer plate, and in-house manufactured base plates.

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